Jacky, Madi, Michael, and Lancing

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Week of March 20

March 20
Nice day for fire in the fireplace... cold and rainy. Happy Sunday!

Here's my Popz! Getting ready for the 2011 season - Kreple Racing with the 5k car... Special thanks to Dave O.

Phrase of the Day is "AMONG THE LIVING". ♥

March 21
H E L L O!!!!!!!! I love it after a good rain. The air feels so clean and fresh. Gettin the girls up and headed to the gym for a good ol' fashioned cardio workout. I hope this day is a fantastic one for ya, ya'll deserve it!

Love everyone! Word of the Day is "FORTUNATE". ♥

March 23
Long night, but everything seems to be settling down... Please pray for our friend, Lizzy. We had a medical emergency with her last night. Love you Lizzy!

Word of the Day is "ANALYZE". ♥

March 24
Hello Thursday... back in the gym this morning, took yesterday off. Long night, night before last not to mention the ol' hip felt like "oldman-itus". LOL! After that, gotta finish up a Code and then maybe get out in the studio and play some music. Speaking of music, anybody digging Alter Bridge as much as me?

Enjoy your day and love everyone always! Word of the Day is "ARENA". ♥

March 25
Listening to my Van Halen catalog... oh and I just kissed my baby girl! Life is the mostest fullest of all time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ♥

Hey there, hi there, ho there... gettin it goin' this morning. Things are shaping up for another fantastic day! It's Friday so ya'll have a great day and an excellent week-end.

Stay motivated and helpful and most of all, loving! Phrase of the Day is "NO TIME LIKE THE PRESENT!". ♥

March 26
Oh snap! Looks like I'm playin' hooky from training this beautiful morning. The family and I are headed up to Santa Barbara for a quick get away. I WILL go for a run on the beach later today though, can't slack too much.

Enjoy the week-end and enjoy life... Word of the Day is "PACIFIC". ♥

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